Hormone Health Certification
Self-Study Program
A Virtual Self-Study Training
Program for Health
Practitioners and Coaches
- Are you a practitioner (health coach, nutritionist, dietitian, midwife, doula, pelvic physical therapist or some other kind of healthcare provider) and want to specialize in women’s hormonal health and menstrual cycles?
- Are you currently training to be a health practitioner and want to get comprehensive training on hormone health and the menstrual cycle?
- Do you want to learn the intricacies of women’s hormones and the menstrual cycle so you can better help your clients or patients?
- Are you confused about how to start your women’s health business or scared of putting yourself out there?
- Would you like specific protocols that you can use in your practice to help your clients or patients finally address the underlying causes of their hormone imbalances?
If any of these apply to you, then go ahead and enroll in the Women’s Hormone Health Certification Self-Study Program! Enrollment is open for a limited time!

What is the Women's Hormone Health Certification Self-Study Program?
The Women’s Hormone Health Certification Self-Study program is an immersive training experience that’s designed to transform you into a more knowledgeable and confident practitioner or coach in just SIX months.
It covers everything from the foundations of women’s hormone health and menstrual cycle theory, case studies and practical application of the students’ skills, and specific condition-related strategies that can be used to support clients, along with very important mindset shifts and confidence building to help you create a thriving women’s health practice.
You will receive in depth training with Nicole Jardim and her team of experts on general women’s health, hormones and the endocrine system, the menstrual cycle at every stage of life, various conditions including endometriosis and PCOS, as well as the step by step Fix Your Period Protocol that Nicole has been using with her clients in her practice for over a decade.
How Does the Program Work?
This program combines 12 recorded video content modules along with content teaching Q&A call recordings, case study review call recordings and guest expert teaching presentation recordings from the most recent live Women’s Hormone Health Certification Live Group Program.
Everything is taught from a foundational perspective, so you never feel confused or behind–like you’re on step 5 but feel like you somehow missed steps 1-4!

The Institute for Menstrual Health’s Women’s Hormone Health Certification Program participants (IMH-C) are highly trained and tested. Being certified in Women’s Hormone Health sets you apart from your colleagues and makes you more marketable in the industry.
Certification in the program ensures your clients that you have the skills-based training to focus on women’s hormone health and apply evidence-based skills in practice.
At the end of each module you’ll be required to take and pass a test, and then at the end of the program you will be required to complete a two-part final exam that demonstrates your comprehensive knowledge of the material taught throughout the program.
Certification allows you to proudly display your IMH-C credential on your website, email, social media platforms, office and marketing materials as well as a link to the IMH-C certification badge for your website or social media profile.
Finally, the Women’s Hormone Health Certification Program has been approved for 36 CEs (Continuing Education Credits) through NBHWC (The National Board For Health & Wellness Coaching) for certified health coaches – Provider #CEA-000505-1.
What will my qualification be after I graduate from this program?
Upon completing the program, you will be a Certified Women’s Hormone Health Practitioner. The exact title you use may depend on your background:
- If you are already a certified health coach, you can confidently call yourself a Women’s Hormone Health Coach, Menstrual Health Coach, or Period Coach.
- If you hold another professional credential (such as an RN, ND, RD, or PT), you can state that you are certified in women’s hormone health in addition to your existing qualifications.
- Graduates have also successfully used titles like Women’s Health Practitioner, Women’s Health Consultant, Women’s Health Specialist, Women’s Health Professional, Menstrual Health Practitioner, or Menstrual Health Specialist to reflect their expertise.
This certification is designed to elevate your knowledge, enhance your credibility, and empower you to integrate cutting-edge hormone health insights into your work—whether you are already working with clients or looking to expand your practice.

12 Program Modules
6 Content Teaching Q&A Call Recordings
6 Client Case Study Call Recordings
And that's just the start ...
The program contains 12 modules, with 2 modules being released each month over the course of 6 months. Each module contains 3-6 video lectures (each 15-30 minutes long), handouts, and additional resources, which all include evidence-based content with links to all research studies and references cited (there are 100’s of studies that have been referenced).

MODULE 1 – Introduction to the Menstrual Cycle
MODULE 2 – Menstruation Through The Life Cycle
MODULE 3 – The Endocrine System & Hormones 101
MODULE 4 – Female Anatomy & Ovarian Function
MODULE 5 – The Most Common Conditions Associated With Hormone Imbalance
MODULE 6 – How Food Affects Hormones & How to Eat For Optimal Hormone Health
MODULE 7 – Blood Sugar, Insulin And Your Hormones
MODULE 8 – Gut Health & It’s Effect On Hormone Health
MODULE 9 – Detoxification – Liver & Gallbladder Function
MODULE 10 – HPA Axis & Adrenals – The Connection to Overall Health & Menstrual Cycles
MODULE 11 – The Thyroid’s Connect To The Menstrual Cycle & Fertility
MODULE 12 – Lab Testing & Supplements Overview

Each month you’ll receive access to one Content Teaching Q&A Call Recording along with the two modules released. These calls are designed to support what you’re learning throughout the program and help you gain a deeper understanding of the course materials and how to apply them to your business/practice. Nicole will share specific conditions and protocols as well as hormone testing to broaden your exposure to the most common conditions.

Each month you’ll also receive one Client Case Study Review Call Recordings. Nicole and her co-teacher Charlotte Evans do in-depth reviews of 3 individual cases over 6 calls. They cover what health challenges each person experienced, their symptoms, what interventions were used and their end results. These call recordings are designed to help you understand best practices for one-on-one clients and how to apply all of the content you’re learning in the program to REAL LIFE client work.
Ready to invest in yourself? Enroll in the Women's Hormone Health Certification Self-Study Program today!

And if you ever get stuck we are both available in our Women’s Hormone Health Facebook group. Stuck on a theory? Want some quick advice? Feeling overwhelmed? We will be in the group regularly and easily accessible to you. Plus this is a super supportive sisterhood that not only includes everyone in the current program, but also women who participated in past programs.

Throughout the program there are protocols for the foundational aspects of health like the gut, stress and liver detoxification, along with hormonal imbalances like high estrogen and low progesterone, and conditions like heavy periods, PCOS and endometriosis, to name a few.
- Natural Solutions for Estrogen Dominance & High Estrogen
- Natural Solutions for Low Progesterone
- Natural Solutions for High Androgens/High Testosterone
- How to Address Gallbladder Dysfunction
- Ovarian Cyst Prevention & Solutions
- Natural Solutions For Period Pain
- Natural Solutions For Heavy or Long Periods
- Support Yourself On and Off the Birth Control Pill
- Introductory Gut Healing Protocol for Clients
- Liver Detoxification Protocol
- Lifestyle & Behavior Changes for HPA Axis Dysfunction
- Hormone Testing Cheat Sheet
- Optimal Levels for Lab Values
- Five Popular Diets
- Adrenal Cocktails
- Blood Sugar Testing
- How to Reduce or Eliminate Sugar and Alcohol
- And so many more!

This program comes with many recommendations and resources to help you advance your knowledge and your business. We offer recommended reading, continuing education recommendations, sample health history forms, sample client communications, how to find research studies, sample client agreements, legal resource recommendations, supplement training courses, and so much more. We add to this resource library every year so it’s a resource you’ll want to refer back to for years to come!

Introducing our new AI-powered advanced search feature, designed to help you find exactly what you need in record time! With this cutting-edge software, you can search for any keyword or sentence across all the course content, including videos, audios and handouts, and jump straight to the exact moment where the topic is discussed. If you’re a busy practitioner balancing client care with building your business and professional development, this is the ultimate time-saver. Say goodbye to endless scrolling and hello to more efficient learning!

Each year we’re joined by some incredible guest expert teachers, which means we have accumulated an epic collection of teaching presentations on a wide variety of topics. These include PCOS, fibroids, Post Birth Control Syndrome, gut health and hormones, fertility, hormone testing, perimenopause, exercise and hormones and so many more. There is something for everyone in the library!

Chief Medical Officer at NuEthix Formulations and Head of Medical Education at Metabolic Mentor University
On this detailed webinar, Carrie will break down exactly what hormones the DUTCH test includes, and how to understand what each section of the test means. You’ll have an in-depth understanding of how the DUTCH test works at the end of this teaching call.

Naturopathic Doctor, Period Revolutionist & author of Period Repair Manual

Sara Korzeniewski
Just like your car needs gas, your body needs minerals. It isn’t as simple as just taking magnesium or a multivitamin because vitamins and minerals impact each other profoundly. Gain an understanding of mineral relationships and how certain minerals like copper can become toxic. Learn what impacts mineral balance aside from supplements, why all of this matters when it comes to hormone health, and get basic strategies that will help optimize your clients’ health outcomes.

Brie Wieselman

Naturopathic Doctor and author of Beyond The Pill
In this presentation, Jolene will discuss the use of hormonal birth control in teens and adults and the different ways these medications can affect both groups of people. She will also cover the mechanism of action of the pill and similar forms of hormonal birth control and why birth control as a treatment is so problematic for conditions like PCOS and endo.

Lisa Hendrickson-Jack
Fertility Awareness Educator, Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner & Author of The Fifth Vital Sign
Lisa will describe commonly misunderstood aspects of the menstrual cycle and go into detail about using fertility awareness to develop a nuanced understanding of the menstrual cycle.

Dr. Natalie Underberg
In this presentation we’ll be covering the different ways PCOS can manifest – Adrenal PCOS versus Insulin resistance PCOS, and how one can have different types of PCOS at the same time. We’ll cover diagnostic testing, including the exact tests to start with to get a diagnosis of PCOS and an overview of additional testing that can help get an even clearer picture of the client’s overall health. Finally, we’ll cover case studies and Dr. Natalie’s protocol for treating someone with insulin resistant PCOS, Adrenal PCOS etc.

Katie Mora
functional medicine provider and registered dietitian
In this presentation we’ll be covering SIBO and gut dysbiosis in-depth along with the testing that can be done to determine if there is something wrong with the client’s gut health. We’ll also delve into specific treatment options including antibiotics and herbals, lifestyle and nutrition shifts. Finally, we’ll discuss how SIBO and gut dysbiosis affect female sex hormones and overall hormonal health, along with case studies.

Cleopatra will be sharing tried and true solutions for women of all ages who want to preserve their fertility and get pregnant naturally.

Understand what fibroids are and are not, the different types of fibroids, the symptoms associated with fibroids, the various causes of fibroids, and possible treatments outside of surgery, as well as what the surgical options are for someone with a minor to severe case of fibroids.

Jill Chmielewski will be joining us to discuss hormone replacement therapy in the perimenopause and menopausal stages of the menstrual life cycle. She will discuss the differences between BHRT and traditional HRT, why BHRT is preferable, how to determine if someone needs hormone replacement therapy, which hormones are actually needed by someone in this stage of life and the safety of BHRT/HRT.

We’re going to talk with Felice about what PCOS is, her take on this condition, the concept of estrogen dominance as it relates to this condition and why Felice doesn’t like this term, along with how PCOS develops and who it develops in, and a discussion on why the pill is not a good treatment option, testing for it and a few key solutions.

Dr. Julie Granger
Healthy Mindset Coach for Women, Teens & Physical Therapy Professionals

Co-Founder of Red School, Author

Dr. Nathan Riley

Women’s Health Coach Specializing in Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
In this two-part presentation, Britney Marsden takes us on a deep dive into PMDD and Mood Disorders.
During part one we cover an introduction to PMDD, distinguishing PMDD from PMS and highlighting its importance for practitioners, PMDD’s definition, symptoms (emotional, physical, cognitive), and diagnostic criteria based on DSM-5, conventional treatments, including SSRIs, hormonal therapies, and surgical options and root causes such as diet, lifestyle, environmental factors, and hormonal imbalances.
During part two, Britney talks about PMDD symptom tracking, dietary adjustments, supplements, and lifestyle modifications, co-management with healthcare providers, and ethical considerations, and key takeaways on the importance of an integrative, individualized approach for ongoing PMDD management.

Dr. Saru Bala
Naturopathic Doctor
In this case study call with Dr. Saru Bala we discuss two case studies: a woman in her 30s with heavy bleeding and a 23-year-old with recurrent vaginal infections. Saru outlines her integrative approach using lifestyle adjustments, nutritional changes, and supplements to address these issues.
The first case highlights interventions like modifying diet, improving sleep patterns, and using specific supplements for hormonal balance and anemia, leading to significant improvement in symptoms and lab results.
The second case focuses on managing bacterial vaginosis with dietary adjustments, probiotics, and lifestyle changes, showing success in reducing symptoms.

You’ll learn how and why exercising in conjunction with the menstrual cycle is crucial for female clients, along with the type of exercise that should be done in each phase. Known for her vibrant, straight forward teaching style, Kira’s focus is to empower and educate at a level where information becomes intrinsic knowledge.

Legal Coach
On this teaching presentation, Lisa will share; the steps you need to take to make sure you are legally protected in business, the scope of practice for a health coach or other unlicensed health professional, what business entities are (LLC’s, corporations etc) and which one is right for you, how to navigate insurance, terms and conditions, medical disclaimers and more!

Angela Heap
Have you wondered how genetics plays a role in our overall health and how our hormones function? Our genes are turned on and off by environmental factors, and this affects our health in multiple ways. In this presentation from Angela Health you’ll learn how certain genes affect our overall health, hormones and fertility outcomes. You’ll also learn when and why someone would want to do genetic testing on their health journey, the testing that should be sought out and solutions for practitioners who want to help their clients in this way.
Once you sign up you’ll get access to all of these resources and more, but seriously, these recorded presentations are worth the cost of this program alone!
But that's not all!

Once you’ve graduated you’ll be given the opportunity to join our practitioner directory. Organized based on speciality, the Practitioner Directory is our go-to location recommendation for anyone looking to work with a practitioner for anything from perimenopause symptoms, to PMS and PMDD, to motherhood and all other period-related issues.
Once you’ve completed the program and passed the final exam, you’ll be sent both a digital and physical copy of your certificate from the Institute for Menstrual Health!

The Women’s Hormone Health Certification Program has been approved for 36 CEs (Continuing Education Credits) through NBHWC (The National Board For Health & Wellness Coaching) for certified health coaches – Provider #CEA-000505-1.
If you are looking for credits through a different organization, you may be able to use our course curriculum to apply for accreditation within your institute/association. In a case like this, you’ll likely have to fill out and submit some forms, along with the course curriculum, and a letter from the program signing off on your completion which we would be more than happy to provide. So this may be an option for you!
By the end of this program you'll be able to:
The WHC program equips you with the knowledge to help clients recognize patterns in their health, such as menstrual cycle irregularities or symptoms of chronic conditions like PCOS, endometriosis, or thyroid disorders. Understanding these conditions enables you to help clients seek appropriate evaluation and testing from their healthcare provider.
Through education on tracking menstrual cycles and understanding the significance of basal body temperature, cervical fluid, and other indicators, you can assist clients in recognizing health patterns and help them identify markers for further investigation. This skill is essential for guiding clients in monitoring their health and seeking appropriate medical care when necessary.
The WHC program provides insights into how nutrition and lifestyle choices impact hormonal balance. You can use this knowledge to help clients partner with a registered dietitian or other qualified practitioner so they can develop personalized, sustainable strategies for achieving optimal hormonal health.
UNDERSTAND THE environmental impact on health:
The course covers the impact of environmental factors on hormonal health and provides guidance on how to minimize exposure to toxins. You can utilize this knowledge to empower clients in making informed lifestyle choices that align with their personal health goals.
You will learn to identify abnormal symptoms and health changes that may warrant further investigation by a healthcare provider. This ensures that clients receive timely medical referrals when needed, while the coach remains within their scope of practice.
The program provides a detailed understanding of the menstrual cycle, the endocrine system and hormonal fluctuations, which will enable you to offer evidence-based resources and education to your clients. You will be able to educate clients about their bodies and hormonal health, empowering them to take charge of their wellness journey. This education is fundamental for promoting long-term healthy lifestyle changes.
And so much more!
What alumni are saying about the program
This Could Be YOU!
On the wrap up call at the end of the program last year, participants shared story after story of the huge strides they’ve made in their businesses and lives. You just can’t make this stuff up!!!
Here are just a few examples of what they’ve been up to:
- Signed on their first clients, new clients or completely filled their practice and created waitlists
- Been interviewed on podcasts
- Been interviewed for online magazine and newspaper articles
- Been featured as a cover girl on a magazine for an article about menstrual cycles!
- Led in-person workshops and women’s circles
- Created and led live group programs
- Filled or oversold live group programs
- Did presentations in corporations and doctor’s offices
- Set up business entities (Corps and LLC’s)
- Built beautiful websites
- Started and grew social media accounts (some grew massively!)
- Connected with referral partners and created other important connections in the industry
- Partnered and collaborated with others in the program or alumni from previous programs
- Collaborated with non-profit organizations around the world as speakers or expert contributors
- Volunteered as health experts for a variety of women-focused organizations
Impressive huh? What’s even cooler is this could be you next year! We’ll provide the container and you bring your magic!
Now's the time to invest in yourself and your business. Enroll in the Women's Hormone Health Certification Self-Study Program today!
The investment for the Women’s Hormone Health Certification Self-Study Program is $2,997 USD if you pay in full.
There are three payment plan options:
- 3 Monthly Payments of $999 USD
- 5 Monthly Payments of $627 USD
- 8 Monthly Payments of $397 USD
Then don’t delay – self-study enrollment is only open for a limited time. Just click on the ENROLL NOW button below to register.
Have questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out. Just send an email to our team at hello@nicolejardim.com and a team member will get back to you as soon as possible with answers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Enrollment & Pricing
The investment for the Women’s Hormone Health Certification Self-Study Program is $2,997 USD if you pay in full.
There are three payment plan options:
- 3 Monthly Payments of $999 USD
- 5 Monthly Payments of $627 USD
- 8 Monthly Payments of $397 USD
This program is designed for a diverse range of health and wellness professionals who are committed to deepening their expertise in women’s physiology, hormone health, and the menstrual cycle.
Specifically, it is tailored for:
- Health Coaches: Individuals who guide clients in making healthier lifestyle choices will find this program invaluable. It equips them with a profound understanding of hormonal health, enabling them to offer more specialized and effective coaching, particularly for women experiencing hormonal imbalances or menstrual irregularities.
- Nutritionists and Dietitians: Professionals who focus on dietary and nutritional counseling will benefit from learning how nutrition impacts hormonal balance. This knowledge will enhance their ability to create personalized dietary plans that support hormonal health and address specific conditions like PCOS, endometriosis, and perimenopause.
- Midwives and Doulas: These practitioners support women through pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum recovery. This program provides them with a comprehensive understanding of hormonal changes during these life stages, allowing them to offer better support and advice to their clients.
- Pelvic Physical Therapists: Specialists who treat pelvic floor dysfunction and related conditions will gain insights into how hormonal health affects the pelvic region. This understanding will improve their ability to address conditions like pelvic pain, incontinence, and menstrual-related discomfort.
- Other Healthcare Providers: Any healthcare professional including acupuncturists, chiropractors, mental health therapists, nurse practitioners, and more who are looking to specialize in women’s health can benefit from this program. It offers a thorough grounding in evidence-based practices related to women’s hormonal health and the menstrual cycle, enhancing their ability to provide holistic and informed care.
By joining this program, professionals will not only expand their knowledge but also enhance their ability to provide specialized, evidence-based care to women, ultimately improving health outcomes and client satisfaction.
There are no specific training prerequisites for this training program. This program is designed for people interested in working with clients, patients, or applying their information to product or education production. Each year our cohort is made up of health coaches, nutritionists and dietitians, midwives, doula’s, pelvic PTs, nurses, and consumer goods entrepreneurs amongst other professions.
In the past we’ve had multiple people share the concern that they don’t have a science background, so they’re not sure if they should even apply but we’ve designed the program to meet everyone where they’re at. Nicole and our guest experts teach you the foundational information all the way to the complex information so that you can take what resonates and leave the rest for now.
You’ll have access to the program’s content for LIFE so you can absolutely refer back to it as you progress in your business and your education.
Don’t let your fears deter you. We created this program for precisely that reason – so you can put your fears aside and move forward with your dreams.
Absolutely! While we strongly encourage having a foundational understanding of health—such as a certification in health coaching or another related field—there are no formal prerequisites for joining this program. We welcome a diverse range of professionals, including acupuncturists, nutritionists, midwives, doulas, physical therapists, pelvic floor specialists, and even business owners in the women’s health and wellness space. If you’re passionate about deepening your knowledge of hormone health to better support your clients, patients, or customers, this program will provide you with the in-depth education and practical tools to do so—regardless of your exact background.
For the Self-Study Program, you have lifetime access to the course materials, so you can revisit them anytime you need. The content is released over six months (with two modules per month), and we strongly encourage you to follow this timeline to stay on track and fully absorb the material. You have up to 12 months from your enrollment date to complete the coursework, take the module tests, and pass the final exam. If you need additional time, just reach out to customer support and we will work with you. The best results come when you commit to steady progress, so we recommend setting a completion goal that aligns with your schedule.
You have as long as you’d like to work through the program content that you purchased and will continue to have access to it after you complete the program.
That being said, we do not offer a lifetime access guarantee because the Institute for Menstrual Health takes the responsibility of sharing and teaching educational content very seriously and due to the nature of the women’s health industry, research and findings are constantly changing.
Each year the Women’s Hormone Health Certification Live Group Program runs, Nicole reviews in detail each module’s content to make updates and changes based on the latest research available. During the review process, Nicole evaluates if any updated content negates content released in previous years to a degree in which the existing content is no longer accurate and should not be in circulation or used in practice. Should this situation apply to more than 40% of a previous year’s released content, that year’s modules will be removed from the Institute for Menstrual Health Portal and all alumni will be advised.
Should program content be removed within 1 year of a participant’s program completion the Institute for Menstrual Health will automatically grant access to the newest version of the program free of charge to those affected.
Should program content be removed after 1 year of a participant’s program completion the Institute for Menstrual Health will evaluate the extent of the changes made and determine if the newest version of the program will be granted to those affected free of charge, or if past participants will be required to either pay an upgrade fee or re-enroll and take the program again at a discounted rate.
The top priority in the Women’s Hormone Health Certification is to provide practitioners with the latest, safest, and most proven information available in addition to tried and true methods tested by Nicole Jardim and her colleagues.
If you’re someone who does better in a live setting, or is really looking to get live support as you work through the content then the Women’s Hormone Health Certification Live Group Program is probably a better fit for you.
Enrollment for this year’s program has closed, BUT you can join the waitlist for next year’s program here!
This is a great question! We have had multiple people who are not native English speakers take the program before and do quite well. Each module contains multiple lectures that each come in the form of recorded videos, written transcripts, audio files, and downloadable slides. Past students have taken the transcripts, translated them into their preferred language then used that to follow along with the video lectures or with the PDF copy of the slides.
We do not offer direct translations of the program into any other language so some comfort with the English language is recommended but if you’re willing to work on the translations yourself, you can be successful in the program!
We recommend choosing the Women’s Hormone Health Certification Self-Study Program if you are interested in translating the program’s content as you’ll have the time to work at a pace that best suits you!
The initial payment is due to secure your place in the program, and then the remaining payments will be charged to your credit card or PayPal account automatically every 30 days.
We are so confident in this program and your success that if you are all in and fully participate in the program, you will be able to achieve your goals of creating a life and business you are truly proud of. It is my intention for you to be happy with this Program. Yet, because of the extensive time, effort, preparation and care that goes into creating and/or providing the Program, no refunds will be provided. Unless otherwise provided by law, you acknowledge that all sales are final and we do not offer refunds for any portion of your payment for any of the Program at any time.
Credentials & Accreditation
Yes! We’re very excited to share that the Women’s Hormone Health Certification Program is approved for 36 CEs (Continuing Education Credits) through NBHWC (The National Board For Health & Wellness Coaching) for certified health coaches – Provider #CEA-000505-1.
If you’re a board-certified health coach in the US, this course will provide you with the 36 CECs you need to maintain your board certification—which is required every three years. Now, not only can you deepen your expertise in women’s hormone health, but you can also keep your certification up to date.
If you are looking for credits through a different organization, you may be able to use our course curriculum to apply for accreditation within your institute/association. In a case like this, you’ll likely have to fill out and submit some forms, along with the course curriculum, and a letter from the program signing off on your completion which we would be more than happy to provide.
In the United States, the Women’s Hormone Health Certification Program is accredited and approved for 36 CEs (Continuing Education Credits) through The National Board For Health & Wellness Coaching. These continuing education credits are available to you if you are a board certified health coach. You can find the course listed on the NBHWC website if you search for Provider #CEA-000505-1.
In addition to being accredited for 36 CEs through The National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC), we are currently in the process of securing certification with two internationally recognized organizations: the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) and the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT).
Both IPHM and IICT are widely respected organizations that support holistic health professionals by providing recognition, credibility, and access to professional membership benefits. Once our certification is complete, this will allow our graduates from 39 countries to gain additional professional validation, join international practitioner directories, and, in some cases, access liability insurance options, depending on their location and scope of practice.
These certifications serve to further establish the Women’s Hormone Health Certification Program as a trusted and comprehensive training for health coaches and practitioners worldwide.
The countries included are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guernsey, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Mann, Italy, Jersey, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States of America.
Additionally, over 40% of our students and alumni are international students from outside of the US. We have had students from over 35 countries graduate from our program and they are all practicing in various capacities.
If you are looking for accreditation through a different organization, you may be able to use our course curriculum to apply for accreditation within your institute/association. In a case like this, you’ll likely have to fill out and submit some forms, along with the course curriculum, and a letter from the program signing off on your completion which we would be more than happy to provide.
Upon completion of this program, you will be able to:
- Understand the basic role and functions of the menstrual cycle, emphasizing the critical importance of ovulation.
- Distinguish between normal and abnormal menstrual cycle variations across different life stages, from puberty through perimenopause.
- Understand the basic steps involved in cycle tracking using cervical fluid, basal temperature, and cervical position.
- Describe the fundamental role and operations of the endocrine system, emphasizing its interconnection with overall health and hormonal balance.
- Recognize the most prevalent hormone imbalances affecting women today, including associated signs, symptoms, and conditions.
- Identify the basic external and internal female anatomical structures, understanding their functions in the context of hormone regulation.
- Explain the role of ovarian mitochondria in hormonal processes and their impact on conditions like endometriosis, PCOS, and ovarian insufficiency.
- Understand the pivotal roles of fat, protein, and carbohydrates in maintaining hormonal balance, including optimal macronutrient ratios.
- Understand the impact of micronutrients like zinc, selenium and magnesium on hormonal regulation and overall well-being.
- Outline the roles of glucose and insulin in the body, and identify contributors to blood sugar dysregulation and insulin resistance.
- Describe the interplay between insulin and key sex hormones, emphasizing the relationship between diet, blood sugar regulation, and hormonal health.
- Explain how gut health influences hormone production and utilization, highlighting the gut-brain axis and its impact on overall health.
- Outline the functions of the liver and gallbladder in detoxification and hormonal balance, including phases of liver detoxification and signs of dysfunction.
- Analyze the impact of environmental toxins, including xenoestrogens, on the endocrine system, menstrual cycle, and fertility.
- Understand the anatomy and physiology of the body’s stress response system, including the hormones produced by the adrenal glands and their role in menstrual health.
- Facilitate the exploration of lifestyle strategies to manage stress and support clients in promoting HPA axis regulation, aiming for optimal hormonal balance through client-driven goal setting.
- Outline the anatomy and physiology of the thyroid gland, its interaction within the HPT axis, and its role in menstrual cycle regulation and fertility.
- Develop an introductory understanding of lab testing related to menstrual health, enabling you to guide clients in recognizing the relevance of lab results to their symptoms and encouraging them to seek appropriate evaluation and testing from their healthcare provider.
- An much more!
Yes, once you meet all of the program requirements you will receive your Women’s Hormone Health Certification.
Upon completing the program, you will be a Certified Women’s Hormone Health Practitioner. The exact title you use may depend on your background:
- If you are already a certified health coach, you can confidently call yourself a Women’s Hormone Health Coach, Menstrual Health Coach, or Period Coach.
- If you hold another professional credential (such as an RN, ND, RD, or PT), you can state that you are certified in women’s hormone health in addition to your existing qualifications.
- Graduates have also successfully used titles like Women’s Health Practitioner, Women’s Health Consultant, Women’s Health Specialist, Women’s Health Professional, Menstrual Health Practitioner, or Menstrual Health Specialist to reflect their expertise.
This certification is designed to elevate your knowledge, enhance your credibility, and empower you to integrate cutting-edge hormone health insights into your work—whether you are already working with clients or looking to expand your practice.
The Women’s Hormone Health Certification Programs are knowledge-based programs. Neither the Live Group Program or the Self-Study Program are coaching certifications.
Becoming a certified health coach requires an intensive training program specifically designed to develop coaching as a skillset—learning how to guide, motivate, and support clients in achieving their health goals. Because effective coaching is a refined practice in itself, it requires a dedicated program focused solely on that discipline.
Rather than combining both coaching education and hormone health training into one, we have intentionally designed these programs to provide a deep, specialized education in women’s physiology, hormone health, and menstrual cycles. This ensures that graduates gain an advanced level of expertise in these areas and know how to apply this knowledge effectively to support clients within their scope of practice.
Upon completing the program, you will be a Certified Women’s Hormone Health Practitioner. The exact title you use may depend on your background:
- If you are already a certified health coach, you can confidently call yourself a Women’s Hormone Health Coach, Menstrual Health Coach, or Period Coach.
- If you hold another professional credential (such as an RN, ND, RD, or PT), you can state that you are certified in women’s hormone health in addition to your existing qualifications.
- Graduates have also successfully used titles like Women’s Health Practitioner, Women’s Health Consultant, Women’s Health Specialist, Women’s Health Professional, Menstrual Health Practitioner, or Menstrual Health Specialist to reflect their expertise.
This certification is designed to elevate your knowledge, enhance your credibility, and empower you to integrate cutting-edge hormone health insights into your work—whether you are already working with clients or looking to expand your practice.
The Women’s Hormone Health Certification Self-Study Program is a knowledge-based certification, not a coaching certification.
Becoming a certified health coach requires an intensive training program specifically designed to develop coaching as a skillset—learning how to guide, motivate, and support clients in achieving their health goals. Because effective coaching is a refined practice in itself, it requires a dedicated program focused solely on that discipline.
Rather than combining both coaching education and hormone health training into one, we have intentionally designed this program to provide a deep, specialized education in women’s physiology, hormone health, and menstrual cycles. This ensures that graduates gain an advanced level of expertise in these areas and know how to apply this knowledge effectively to support clients within their scope of practice.
Upon completing the program, you will be a Certified Women’s Hormone Health Practitioner. The exact title you use may depend on your background:
- If you are already a certified health coach, you can confidently call yourself a Women’s Hormone Health Coach, Menstrual Health Coach, or Period Coach.
- If you hold another professional credential (such as an RN, ND, RD, or PT), you can state that you are certified in women’s hormone health in addition to your existing qualifications.
- Graduates have also successfully used titles like Women’s Health Practitioner, Women’s Health Consultant, Women’s Health Specialist, Women’s Health Professional, Menstrual Health Practitioner, or Menstrual Health Specialist to reflect their expertise.
This certification is designed to elevate your knowledge, enhance your credibility, and empower you to integrate cutting-edge hormone health insights into your work—whether you are already working with clients or looking to expand your practice.
The Women’s Hormone Health Certification Program provides you with specialized expertise in women’s health, hormone balance, and menstrual cycle education, opening the door to a wide range of career opportunities. Whether you want to launch your own business, expand your existing practice, or work within an established organization, this program equips you with the knowledge and confidence to do so.
Here are some career paths you can pursue:
1. Start Your Own Business
Many graduates use this program to build their own wellness practice and work with clients in various ways, including:
- Private Coaching or Consulting – Offer one-on-one or group coaching focused on hormone health, fertility, cycle syncing, or perimenopause.
- Online Courses & Memberships – Create digital programs, workshops, or memberships to educate and support women worldwide.
- Content Creation & Speaking – Start a blog, YouTube channel, podcast, or become a public speaker on women’s health.
- Retreats & Live Events – Host in-person or virtual retreats and workshops focused on menstrual health, self-care, or holistic wellness.
2. Expand Your Current Practice
If you’re already working in health and wellness, this certification allows you to add hormone health expertise to your current offerings. Graduates successfully integrate this training into roles such as:
- Certified Health Coaches – Specialize in hormone health and women’s wellness coaching.
- Nutritionists & Dietitians – Help clients optimize their diet for hormonal balance and metabolic health.
- Fitness & Yoga Instructors – Incorporate cycle syncing and hormone-friendly movement into training programs.
- Acupuncturists & Herbalists – Combine holistic treatments with hormone health guidance.
3. Work for an Established Company
Many graduates secure roles within organizations that focus on women’s health, functional medicine, and wellness, including:
- Women’s Health Clinics & Functional Medicine Practices – Work alongside doctors, naturopaths, or midwives to provide lifestyle and nutrition guidance.
- Wellness Startups & Health Tech Companies – Support product development, content creation, or client education in the femtech space.
- Corporate Wellness & Employee Health Programs – Help companies implement hormone-friendly wellness initiatives.
- Nonprofits & Community Health Organizations – Advocate for menstrual health education and access to resources.
4. Specialize in a Niche Area
This program allows you to carve out a unique niche in women’s health, such as:
- Period & Cycle Health Coaching – Support clients in regulating their cycles naturally.
- Fertility & Preconception Wellness – Guide women through hormone-friendly conception strategies.
- Perimenopause & Menopause Support – Help women navigate hormonal transitions with confidence.
- PCOS, Endometriosis, or Thyroid Health – Work with women who need specialized hormone support.
Regardless of your career path, this program gives you a powerful foundation in hormone health and the confidence to create real impact in women’s lives. You can build a career that aligns with your passion while making a meaningful difference in the field of women’s health!
Program Content
The Women’s Hormone Health Certification Self-Study Program contains 12 modules, with 2 modules being released each month over the course of 6 months. These modules have all of the content and information you need so that when you come to our group sessions you will have greater clarity about what to ask so you can get the answers and solutions you’re looking for.
Included in the Women’s Hormone Health Certification Program:
12 RECORDED WEBINARS – covers a wide range of topics and two new modules are released at the beginning of each month
DETAILED HANDOUTS & HORMONE BALANCING PROTOCOLS – Packed full with insanely juicy, scientifically-based solutions that will provide the groundwork for you to create massive change in your clients’ health
ADDITIONAL SUPPORTIVE MATERIALS, LINKS & RESOURCES – my hand-picked resources for you!
Women’s Health Training Modules – There are 12 modules in this curriculum. Each module contains 3-6 video lectures (each 15-30 minutes long), handouts, protocols and additional resources. View the full curriculum here.
- MODULE 1 – Introduction to the Menstrual Cycle
- MODULE 2 – Menstruation Through the Life Cycle
- MODULE 3 – The Endocrine System & Hormones 101
- MODULE 4 – Female Anatomy & Ovarian Function
- MODULE 5 – The Most Common Conditions Associated with Hormone Imbalance
- MODULE 6 – How Food Affects Hormones & How to Eat for Optimal Hormone Health
- MODULE 7 – Blood Sugar, Insulin and Your Hormones
- MODULE 8 – Gut Health & It’s Effect on Hormone Health
- MODULE 9 – Detoxification – Liver & Gallbladder Function
- MODULE 10 – HPA Axis & Adrenals – The Connection to Overall Health & Menstrual Cycles
- MODULE 11 – The Thyroid’s Connection to the Menstrual Cycle & Fertility
- MODULE 12 – Lab Testing & Supplements Overview
There is extensive information on the menstrual cycle, ovulation, the hormone fluctuations that drive each phase of the cycle, as well as the different hormones and how they impact each area of health and overall wellbeing.
Additionally, there are protocols for the foundational aspects of health like the gut and liver detoxification, and there are protocols for specific conditions like PCOS and endometriosis. Finally, there are guest expert lecturers who deliver research-backed presentations on a variety of relevant topics.
The certification program consists of 12 modules. Each module contains 3-6 lectures, which all include evidence-based content with links to all research studies and references cited (there are 100’s of studies that have been referenced). The research and content are all updated on a yearly basis. Nicole has spent years working with clients and observing their results and she has pored over the literature on hormones and menstrual health to create this program. She has also collaborated with a number of leading women’s health experts with various specialties to help create some of the content presented in the program.
There is extensive information on the menstrual cycle, ovulation, the hormone fluctuations that drive each phase of the cycle, as well as the different hormones and how they impact each area of health and overall wellbeing. Additionally, there are protocols for the foundational aspects of health like the gut and liver detoxification, and there are protocols for specific conditions like PCOS and endometriosis. Finally, there are guest expert lecturers who deliver research-backed presentations on a variety of relevant topics.
The Women’s Hormone Health Certification Self-Study Program is structured to be a 6-month program based on the content release schedule. However, by taking the self-study route you’re able to work at your own pace as you’ll have access to the content forever.
If you were to follow along each month as the modules are released and the call recordings are shared, you’re looking at between 5-7 hours per month.
The Women’s Hormone Health Certification Self-Study Program is structured to be a 6-month program based on the content release schedule to help you stay on track with the program.
However, if you’d like to work through the content faster, we’re happy to talk about a custom content release schedule for you if you opt for the pay-in-full option.
The biggest difference between the Self-Study Program and the Live Group Program is the level of support, interaction, and real-time guidance you receive.
Self-Study Program
The Self-Study Program is an incredible option for those who prefer to learn at their own pace while still gaining access to the same core content and protocols as the live program.
With this option, you get:
- All the core teachings from the live program, including foundational knowledge provided through 12 in-depth content modules, a variety of condition-specific protocols, and business-building strategies
- Access to the private Facebook group for ongoing questions and peer support
- One live 60-minute Q&A call per month for direct support and guidance from Nicole
The biggest difference? Instead of live, weekly calls, you’ll have access to recordings of all the core teachings, allowing you to move through the program on your own timeline—whether that’s faster or slower than the live program. Additionally, if you pay for the self-study program in full you can gain access to all the modules right away.
This is a great fit if you prefer independent learning, need a more flexible schedule, or want to start immediately rather than waiting for the next live cohort.
Live Group Program
The live group program is a high-touch, immersive experience designed for those who want personalized support, accountability, and a strong community of like-minded women who are equally committed to building their businesses and transforming women’s health.
When you join the live program, you’re not just getting a certification—you’re stepping into a powerful learning container with women who are motivated to take action and make an impact.
Here’s what you get:
- Weekly live calls (Teaching & Q&A Cals, Case Study Review Calls, Business Building Calls, Guest Expert Teaching Presentations)
- A dedicated WhatsApp group for direct access to Nicole and our Community Manager Adele, and your peers for quick questions, wins, and ongoing discussion
- Personalized support from our Community Manager, Adele, who will check in with you to make sure you’re progressing, feeling supported, and getting the most out of the program
- A private Facebook group for community support and deeper engagement
- Live, interactive coaching and feedback so you feel 100% confident applying what you learn
This program is perfect for you if you thrive with structure, accountability, and live mentorship to fast-track your success.
Whichever path you choose, both versions of the program provide a comprehensive education that will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to support women in their hormone health journeys!
One thing to note is as of right now, we’re not planning on running the live group program again until September 2025 so there’s quite a bit of a wait for that, where in the meantime you could basically complete the self-study program if you wanted to!
Additionally there is a price difference between the two versions of the program. The self-study program is less than half the price of the live group Certification program, at $2,997, vs $6,497 USD.
The IIN Hormone Health Program is an entirely self-paced program that provides a Facebook group for support. The program was created in 2016 and we aren’t sure how much it has been updated since that time. It also does not have a heavy emphasis on the menstrual cycle, the endocrine system, or the actual protocols you can implement with your clients.
This highly comprehensive program is completely up to date from a scientific perspective and is structured completely differently with a major focus on menstrual and hormonal health in the first part. In the second part of the program, Nicole teaches her foundational protocol for working with clients. This program also includes a number of protocols that help address specific issues like heavy periods, PMS, PMDD, missing cycles and more. This program will equip you with theoretical knowledge but also a clear understanding of how to actually help your current and future clients who are experiencing hormonal issues. There is no point learning information without learning the steps to utilize it in your practice.
Yes, the Women’s Hormone Health Certification Programs are more expensive than the IIN program, but it is important to spend your time and money on a program that is going to help you build a successful women’s health-focused business rather than one where you will need more training again to feel confident in your ability to help women with their health concerns.
Finally, in the live group version of the program there is a tremendous amount of live support, including weekly calls, a Facebook group, a WhatsApp group for the current cohort, and we have a community manager who checks in and makes sure you are doing well in the program. The self-study version of the program has one live Q&A call each month facilitated by Nicole to help support the self-study students as they navigate through the program.
Due to the nature of the content there is some overlap, but generally speaking, this is a comprehensive, up to date, science backed program that will be a deep dive into women’s hormone health.
Absolutely! This course offers a comprehensive framework for supporting women through every stage of the menstrual life cycle—including the critical transitions of perimenopause and menopause.
Throughout the program, you’ll learn how to address the root causes of hormonal imbalances that commonly arise during these phases, focusing on essential foundations like optimal nutrition, balanced blood sugar, circadian rhythm regulation, and stress management—all of which are non-negotiable for supporting long-term hormonal health during perimenopause and menopause.
In addition to these core principles, the program includes:
A dedicated module lecture on perimenopause and menopause that dives deep into the physiological changes, common symptoms, and effective holistic approaches to supporting women during these transitions.
Targeted protocols for hormonal imbalances that frequently impact women in perimenopause and menopause—such as low progesterone, estrogen dominance, thyroid dysfunction, and adrenal dysregulation.
A library of expert video presentations covering specialized topics related to perimenopause and menopause, offering you advanced insights and practical strategies for client care. These presentations also include advanced testing like DUTCH testing.
By the end of the course, you’ll have the knowledge, tools, and confidence to effectively support women as they navigate the often-challenging changes of perimenopause and menopause—empowering them to feel better, regain balance, and thrive during this transformative phase of life.
Absolutely! This course provides a comprehensive framework for working with women at any stage of their menstrual life cycle, making it an essential foundation for fertility support.
Rather than jumping straight into advanced supplementation or expensive testing, this program teaches you the critical first steps—optimizing overall hormone health, addressing imbalances, and supporting the body’s natural fertility processes. These foundational elements are non-negotiable when it comes to improving fertility outcomes for both men and women.
In addition, the program includes a dedicated fertility-focused treatment protocol and targeted protocols for common conditions that impact fertility—such as estrogen dominance, low progesterone, PCOS, and endometriosis.
You’ll also have access to a library of expert video presentations covering a variety of fertility-related topics, giving you deeper insight into evidence-based strategies for improving fertility naturally.
By the end of the course, you’ll have the knowledge, tools, and confidence to effectively support your clients’ fertility—whether they are trying to conceive naturally, preparing for assisted reproductive treatments, or simply optimizing their reproductive health for the future.
Yes! This program provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and supporting clients with endometriosis, a complex condition rooted in hormonal, immune, and inflammatory dysfunction.
You’ll receive an in-depth introduction to endometriosis, including:
What endometriosis is—beyond just a reproductive disorder—recognizing its systemic nature and how it impacts the entire body.
The underlying causes and drivers of endometriosis, such as immune dysregulation, gut health imbalances, and the role of inflammation in disease progression.
Throughout the program, you’ll also learn how to address the root causes of the hormonal imbalances that often accompany endometriosis by focusing on foundational health practices—including optimal nutrition, blood sugar balance, circadian rhythm regulation, stress management and addressing underlying trauma. These core strategies are non-negotiable for managing inflammation, supporting immune function, and improving overall well-being for clients with endometriosis.
In addition to these foundational principles, the program includes:
Targeted treatment protocols for addressing hormone imbalances and inflammatory conditions that are common in those with endometriosis—such as estrogen dominance, low progesterone, and gut-related dysfunction.
Expert video presentations from leading specialists that dive into advanced topics affecting women with endometriosis, giving you a deeper understanding of evidence-based, holistic approaches to care.
By the end of the course, you’ll have the knowledge, protocols, and confidence to effectively support women with endometriosis—whether they are managing symptoms, optimizing their hormonal health, or navigating fertility challenges related to the condition.
Absolutely! This program offers a comprehensive, root-cause approach to understanding and supporting clients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)—one of the most common yet misunderstood hormonal conditions affecting women.
You’ll receive a detailed breakdown of PCOS, including:
- What PCOS is—beyond its diagnostic criteria—recognizes it as a metabolic, hormonal, and inflammatory condition that affects multiple systems in the body.
- The root causes and key drivers of PCOS, including insulin resistance, androgen excess, adrenal dysfunction, and the impact of inflammation on hormonal balance.
Throughout the program, you’ll also learn how to address the underlying imbalances that drive PCOS by focusing on foundational health practices—such as balanced blood sugar, optimal nutrition, circadian rhythm regulation, and stress management. These foundational strategies are non-negotiable for managing symptoms and restoring hormonal balance for those with PCOS.
In addition to these core principles, the program provides:
- Targeted treatment protocols specifically designed to address the different types of PCOS (including insulin-resistant PCOS, adrenal PCOS, post-pill PCOS, and inflammatory PCOS), allowing you to tailor your approach to each client’s unique needs.
- Expert video presentations from leading specialists, offering advanced insights into the latest research and holistic strategies for supporting women with PCOS—whether their goals are to regulate cycles, manage symptoms, improve fertility, or enhance metabolic health.
By the end of the course, you’ll have the knowledge, tools, and confidence to effectively support clients with PCOS—helping them address the root causes, restore hormonal harmony, and improve their overall well-being.
Only licensed medical professionals (such as doctors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, naturopathic doctors and sometimes registered dietitians or chiropractors) can legally order and interpret medical tests, diagnose and prescribe (limited to doctors, nurses and physician assistants) in a way that informs treatment decisions.
Interpreting tests and diagnosing a condition are outside of the scope of practice for unlicensed practitioners. However, many health coaches, nutritionists, and other wellness professionals can legally review lab tests (like DUTCH, GI-MAP, or hormone panels) and provide educational insights—as long as they do not diagnose conditions, prescribe treatments, or claim to replace a medical professional. Instead, they can guide clients in understanding how lifestyle factors, nutrition, and habits may influence their health based on test results.
It’s essential for non-licensed practitioners to check local regulations and ensure they are staying within their legal scope of practice. Some states and countries have strict laws, while others allow for more flexibility under “health education” or “wellness coaching” models. Many practitioners collaborate with licensed providers to help clients navigate lab testing within a legal and ethical framework.
Nicole feels it is important to teach program participants about the different types of testing available and how to determine if your client’s results are outside the normal ranges, regardless of whether you are a licensed practitioner or not. This is taught in the final module of the program.
This knowledge will help you develop an introductory understanding of lab testing related to menstrual health, enabling you to guide clients in recognizing the relevance of lab results to their symptoms and encouraging them to seek appropriate testing and evaluation from their healthcare provider.
The program equips participants with the knowledge to help clients recognize patterns in their health, such as menstrual cycle irregularities or symptoms of chronic conditions like PCOS, endometriosis, or thyroid disorders. Understanding these conditions enables participants to help their clients seek appropriate evaluation and testing from their healthcare provider.
Most of the reference ranges and supplement dosages in the program are based on US measurements. However, we understand that many of our students and clients work with international standards. To make things easier, we provide online conversion calculators and resources to help you seamlessly translate values into metric measurements when needed.
Our goal is to ensure that you can confidently apply this knowledge no matter where you’re located!
What alumni are saying about the program

Rave Reviews from alumni
Meet Your Instructor
Nicole Jardim is a Certified Women’s Health Coach, writer, speaker, mentor and author of Fix Your Period: 6 Weeks to Banish Bloating, Conquer Cramps, Manage Moodiness, and Ignite Lasting Hormone Balance a life-changing step-by-step natural protocol to ignite lasting hormone balance and improve everything from PMS, period pain, and heavy periods to irregular and missing periods. She has developed education and offerings that empower women and people who menstruate to reclaim their hormone health using a method that combines evidence-based information with simplicity and sass.
Her work has impacted the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world by addressing the root cause of what’s really going on in their bodies and minds rather than treating just their symptoms. She passionately believes that the fundamentals to healing any hormone imbalance lie in an approach that addresses the unique physiology of every woman. This is essential to reclaiming and maintaining optimal health and vitality at any age.
Nicole is the founder of the Institute for Menstrual Health, and through its signature program the Women’s Hormone Health Certification, she teaches other health practitioners and coaches the fundamentals of hormones, menstrual cycles and fertility.
Finally, Nicole is the host of The Period Party, a top-rated podcast on Apple Podcasts, the co-author of The Happy Balance, a recipe book filled with over 80 hormone balancing recipes, and has been called on as a women’s health expert for sites such as The Guardian, Well+Good, mindbodygreen and Healthline.