Welcome to the Institute for Menstrual Health's Practitioner Directory!
Below you’ll find a list of wellness coaches, practitioners and educators who have graduated from the Women’s Hormone Health Certification Program (IMH-C) through the Institute for Menstrual Health.
Sorted based on their specialty, the group below have demonstrated their competency in hormone health and menstrual cycle health amongst other things.
During their time in the Certification program participants are required to attend live training sessions, work through 12 advanced content modules, apply their learnings to case studies, learn protocols for specific women’s health conditions, meet education checkpoints and pass a two-part final exam.
All graduates have been trained firsthand by Nicole Jardim, a Certified Women’s Health Coach & the Period Fixer, who has over 12 years of experience working with clients, developing programs, authored a best selling book, Fix Your Period, and acting as a leader and authority figure in the women’s health space.
A Certification in Women’s Hormone Health from the Institute for Menstrual Health ensures that your coach or educator has been trained on the most up to date, cutting edge research, and has demonstrated full competency in women’s hormone health.
We hope you’re able to find an incredible individual to work with to address whatever conditions, symptoms or challenges you might be facing!
If you are interesting in being featured in our database, join the waitlist for the next Women’s Hormone Health Certification program here!

Search by specialty:

Tara Ghosh
Specialty: Pre-teens and teenagers; school period workshops; as well as women in the mid 30s to mid 40s.
Services/Offerings: I offer online and in-person workshops for pre-teens and teenagers so they can understand their body right from the start of their period journey. I love running my 1:1 clinic for teenagers experiencing period or mood challenges so they can take a natural approach and know there are alternatives to the pill for hormone issues. I also run workshops for women in their mid 30s to mid 40s so they can be ready for perimenopause.
Method: I work online with people all over the world, as well as running in-person workshops in the UK.

Gabby Dickerson-Alejandrino
Specialty: I teach youth, women & menstruators body literacy and how to chart their cycles to gauge their hormone health and increase their body confidence.
Services/Offerings: I offer private consults, group class series for adults and youth, empowerment workshops for girls and courses.
Method: Virtual, Online, In English.

Teri Durden
Specialty: Pre-teens, teens, women with fibroids, women trying to get pregnant, women abstaining from sex
Services/Offerings: Personalized 1:1 learning, period solutions, healthy diet and lifestyle change; 30-day knowledge-based program.
As perimenopause gets underway, women tend to experience earlier ovulation and shorter menstrual cycles, along with increased anovulatory cycles and decreased progesterone, which leads to heavy periods, or flooding.
As menopause gets closer, things begin to shift. Estrogen starts to drop, along with progesterone, which leads to longer and longer menstrual cycles and fewer periods each year.
If you’re in or approaching perimenopause or menopause and want to understand what’s going on with your body, work with one of our incredible coaches who specialize in this stage of your menstrual lifecycle.

Adele Wimsett
Specialty: Women in Perimenopause & Women with ADHD.
Services/Offerings: I offer one to one support to women to understand their hormonal imbalances & create a bespoke plan to empower them to make lifestyle choices to address the root cause. I combine this with menstrual cycle awareness & awakening your feminine intelligence.
As a woman with ADHD I am able to offer ADHDivas support with understanding the significant impact their hormones have on their traits and how to harness the power of their menstrual cycle to create an ADHD friendly lifestyle. To my knowledge this is a unique offering for women combining in depth understanding of hormones, cyclical living & ADHD in women.

Dr. Bailey Feeney DACM, LAc
Specialty: Women over 30, hormones, weight.
Services/Offerings: One on one coaching, group coaching, self study courses, lab review.

Michelle Brady
Specialty: Working with Female to assist with Hormonal Balancing and Stress Reduction to assist with Fertility / Pregnancy / Peri-menopause / Menopause
Services/Offerings: Offer in person Holistic Therapies, Reflexology, Womb Massage, Reiki, Acupressure / Acupuncture Offer one-on-one Virtual Holistic Therapies, Facial Reflexology, Psy-Tap, Ear Acupressure Online Self Care packages, which involve combination of, Yoga, meditation, Facial Reflexology, Psy-tap, Essential oils, Supplements. One-on-one Session Women Health Coaching Group Programs for Women Health Coaching Group Programs of Self Care, Ear Acupressure for Hormonal Balancing, Stress release

Renata Fabianova
Specialty: Guiding women over 35 to their best health, energy and fertility in their late 30s and early 40s.
Services/Offerings: One-on-one online consultations. Local lectures in Slovak for women-focused communities and corporates wishing to support their female workers – both virtually and in person.
Method: Only virtually. Specialise in working with clients from Slovakia and Czech Republic. Other European clients as of autumn 2023. Working in Slovak and English.

Carmen Reyes
Specialty: Perimenopause, Menopause, Cycle Charting, Symptoms.
Services/Offerings: One-on-one locally and online instruction and coaching, downloadable workshops.
Method: One-on-one locally and online instruction and coaching.

Meira Arkell
Specialty: Women over 35 experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance. Weight Loss.
Services/Offerings: One on one coaching, online group program – The BodyWISE System for Hormone Balance.
Method: Global online practice.

Brandee Hommerding
Specialty: Women with Bloating, Fatigue, PMS, and/or Irregular Menstrual Cycles.
Services/Offerings: 1:1 holistic nutrition coaching utilizing functional lab testing, Functional lab testing packages, Customized meal planning.
Method: Virtually.

Maru Sú, MS, CFNC, IMH-C
Specialty: I educate women 40 and older to heal their hormones and reclaim their health. Menopause is a time of change and can make us feel like strangers in our own bodies. It is possible to be vibrant, ageless, vital, sexy, and feel-good forever.
Services/Offerings: Let’s work together! Work with me 1:1 (local and online), Personalized coaching sessions – 3-month or 6-month packages, Group Coaching – Balance Femenino 360™, Join my signature 8-week online program to improve metabolic flexibility and take control of your health and diet in an easy way without starving yourself.
Method: Balance Femenino 360™ – It is only offered online for Spanish-speaking women. Personalized coaching is offered locally and online for English- and Spanish-speaking women.

Lindsay Kassem
Specialty: High Performing Women in their 40’s struggling with health issues, stress, burn-out, irregular periods.
Services/Offerings: 3 Month Mind Body Reset Program (1×1 coaching) & group online coaching.
Method: Locally in Mauritius & have clients all over the world!
Endometriosis & Adenoymosis
Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease in which tissue that is similar to the kind that lines the uterus grows outside the uterus. No matter where it is in the body, this issue builds up and attempts to shed with each menstrual cycle, often causing excruciating pain and other symptoms.
Adenomyosis is a condition in which tissue similar to that of the uterine lining grows into the muscular wall of the uterus, causing the uterine walls to thicken and become enlarged. Similar to endometriosis, adenomyosis causes the affected tissue to thicken and shed in accordance with hormone fluctuations, which leads to extremely heavy bleeding and cramping.
If you have been diagnosed with endometriosis or adenomyosis, work with one of our coaches below to help with hormonal imblance and mitigating symptoms.

Eila Rain Buszko
Specialty: Women who live outside the U.S. (expats living or working abroad) address heavy menstrual bleeding, cramps, and lose 10 to 20 pounds
Services/Offerings: I offer one-on-one program for private clients as well as a 90-Min Hormone Nutrition Consultation. I also have self-study evergreen programs/courses (8-Week PCOS Reset, 21-Day Hormone Detox, 12-Week Hormone Reset (coming soon)).
Method: I work with clients virtually, specialize in working with clients outside of the U.S.
Uterine Fibroids are the most frequent benign tumors found in the female pelvis. Fibroids can lead to heavy and prolonged bleeding and sometimes severe menstrual cramps.
If you have been diagnosed with Uterine Fibroids and are looking for solutions, work with one of our coaches below!

Maria Quintana-Pilling
Specialty: Women with Fibroids
Services/Offerings:I offer one-on-one programs and a 5-day food reset (group) and a 12-week group reset. I am working to get the 5-day up and running as an evergreen.
Method: I would with people in-person and virtually. I am located in Fairfax, CA.
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), or Premenstrual Tension (PMT) refers to a collection of physical and psychological symptoms that arise in a cyclical pattern, and coincide with the second half of the menstrual cycle (the luteal phase). The symptoms often show up around 2 to 10 days before your period begins, and usually resolve when menstruation starts.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), is considered a severe mood disorder and is characterized by significant emotional and physical symptoms that occur in the luteal phase.
PMS and PMDD symptoms can range in severity because they are highly influenced by nutrient deficiencies, excess physiological stress, genetic factors, gut health issues, and blood sugar abnormalities that drive estrogen to become dominant over progesterone. This is also why there is such an assortment of PMS and PMDD symptoms.
If you are experiencing symptoms of PMS or PMDD our coaches below are ready to help you!

Emma Verheul
Specialty: I help women who’s periods interrupt their lives! Women who are menstruating and struggling with painful periods, PMS/PMDD symptoms and irregular cycles .
Services/Offerings: I currently offer one-on-one coaching programs that will change the narrative of your period! Using small sustainable diet and lifestyle changes we will work together for 12 weeks to rebalance your hormones and turn your period around.
Method: I work with people virtually in English.

Mariah Rose Berendt
Specialty: Women in their 20s and 30s struggling with PMS, period pain, and irregular cycles.
Services/Offerings: I offer with 1:1 programs and online courses that guide women to eat their way to a healthy menstrual cycle using real food and body literally.
Method: Virtually

Mari Dickerson
Specialty: I support women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s struggling with PMS, PMDD, irregular cycles, PCOS and other general hormonal health challenges. I integrate my background in psychology with the basics of hormone health and body literacy to help women reduce symptoms, balance hormones, and get in touch with their creative feminine power.
Services/Offerings: I offer 1:1 coaching sessions and coaching packages.
Method: Virtually

Emilia Almanza
Specialty: I guide and support women and menstruators of all ages through hormonal health challenges such as PMS, PMDD, PCOS, irregular cycles, and more. By combining menstrual education, body literacy, and hormonal health expertise, I support their journey toward improved menstrual and hormonal health, helping them transform their relationships with their cycles and bodies.
Services/Offerings:I offer a one-on-one 3-month support program that includes tailored educational content, lifestyle transformation support, guidance for cyclical self-knowledge through body literacy, implementation of concrete actions for better menstrual health, patient advocacy, and more! I also facilitate a 6-month group program in Menstrual Health Education aimed at training menstrual educators with a focus on human rights, gender, and a biopsychoecosocial approach.
Method: Virtually / English and Spanish

Ashley L. Hamm
Specialty: I support women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s who are struggling with PMS, PMDD, period pain, and irregular cycles. I integrate my background in health education with the basics of hormone health and body literacy to empower women to better understand their bodies and how to be more proactive in managing their symptoms and embrace their feminine power.
Services/Offerings: I offer 1:1 coaching, coaching packages, and online courses.
Method: I work with people virtually in English.

Danielle Cohen
Specialty: I offer individualized support for those navigating IVF/FET, egg-freezing, IUI, and third-party reproduction. My approach is grounded in my extensive training in fertility nutrition, endocrine health, and trauma-sensitive coaching – as well as in my own experience with IVF. Fertility support can include but is not limited to: referrals for experts, hormone health optimization that is specific to your case, support preparing the mind and body for treatment cycles, diagnosis perception strategies, and navigating changing social dynamics.
Services/Offerings: I offer hourly sessions and packages. I also offer a text message add-on that provides near-unlimited access for quick responses during the course of your fertility treatments.
Method: I work with people both virtually, and locally.

Meredith Ashton
Specialty: I help women like you find sustainable balance and energy using the pattern of your menstrual cycle. Together, we use this pattern to sort out period problems like heavy bleeding, short cycles, long cycles, no cycle, PMS and pain for long lasting relief and clarity. I also help women use this pattern of the menstrual cycle to feel connected to their bodies and well resourced to more easily get pregnant (and stay pregnant).
Services/Offerings: I offer one-on-one virtual coaching sessions, I teach live + virtual workshops for teens, adult women, adult men and boys. My workshops are also evergreen and available online.
Method: My online workshops and virtual coaching sessions are available to clients located anywhere in the world. I teach live workshops locally and virtually.

Laura Schrier
Specialty: I teach the sympto-thermal fertility awareness method to menstruators looking to avoid pregnancy naturally, as well as those trying to conceive. I support clients to read their menstrual cycle to understand their hormone and overall health. I work with clients to address hormonal issues and improve their menstrual cycles.
Services/Offerings: I offer 1:1 virtual coaching sessions to support menstruators with their unique needs, whether learning Fertility Awareness and body literacy or tailored consultations to support with hormonal/menstrual health challenges. I also offer online workshops and courses.
Method: I work virtually with people from all over the world.

Tracy Dyson
Specialty: I work with people who are trying to conceive, and specialize in unexplained infertility & recurrent miscarriage,
Services/Offerings: I offer in person acupuncture one-on-one sessions and online fertility MOT sessions.
Method: I work with people locally and virtually.

Vienna Farlow
Specialty: I teach women and menstruators a sympto-thermal fertility awareness method for achieving or avoiding pregnancy naturally, as well as how to use advanced cycle tracking to improve overall menstrual cycle health. I also specialize in queer fertility and family building!
Services/Offerings: I primarily work with individuals 1:1 over the course of several cycles, tailored to their specific fertility goals and needs. I also offer stand alone “Cuntsultations” for those who desire shorter term support or are looking for guidance on where to start with a particular menstrual cycle issue. I periodically offer group programs and workshops, both online and in person.
Method: Virtually and in person in San Diego, California

Bárbara Yü Belo
Specialty: Women and couples trying to get pregnant, women with menstrual and hormonal imbalances.
Services/Offerings: I offer 1:1 session with women and 1:2 session with couples. I provide online evergreen training programs, Ciclo Fértil and Núcleo Fértil, which provide very useful information regarding to female and male fertility. A couple of times a year I also host live group programs.
Method: I work online with people from all over the world. In addition to English, I also speak Portuguese and Spanish.

Sarah Shapiro
Specialty: Women and couples with repeat pregnancy loss and unexplained infertility.
Services/Offerings: I offer one on one coaching privately and a deep dive 6 month program through the Holistic Fertility Institute.

Specialty: I teach women who don’t want kids right now how to prevent pregnancy naturally with the Fertility Awareness Method.
Services/Offerings: I offer a one-on-one programs and group courses teaching the Fertility Awareness Method for birth control. All of my programs include Happy Hormones coaching and support to get you feeling your best coming off the pill and cycling naturally again!
Method: I mainly work virtually but I also run in-person workshops in Toronto, Canada.
Pregnancy, Postpartum & Motherhood

Dr. Jackie Roelofs
Specialty: I help women in their late twenties and early thirties who are: – struggling to conceive due to period issues and/or painful sex – dealing with pain and anxiety during pregnancy – struggling to feel at home in their bodies again postpartum.
Services/Offerings: I offer one on one fertility coaching, birth planning including physical and mindset preparation, and pelvic floor therapy-informed virtual coaching for pregnant and postpartum women to learn to intuitively connect with their bodies and honor their bodies with pain-free movement and exercise programming.
Method: I work with people virtually primarily virtually with select in-person sessions available for those residing in (or who are able to travel to) New Orleans, Louisiana.

Monique Dickson
Specialty: Mothers who are exhausted.
Services/Offerings: Through One to One bespoke packages, through group coaching and a low cost membership.
Method: Online via Zoom from the comfort of your own home.
General Women's Health
Today, women throughout the world are redefining the social norms surrounding the menstrual cycle and demanding more open dialogue about what is inarguably one of the most important biological processes in the female body.
Regardless of where you are in your menstrual life cycle, what symptoms you’re experiencing or what you’re hoping to change in your lifestyle our coaches below are ready to help you implement targeted changes in your life and help you get to the bottom of what you’re going through.

Katie Kocman
Specialty: Support for women at all stages of life: Menarche -> Post-Menopause; Commonly work with chronic illness and autoimmune disease, thyroid disease, PCOS, PMS & PMDD, RED-S, and more!
Services/Offerings: Completely Individualized 1:1 Support, Detailed Health History Report and Analytics, Grocery Store Tours, Pantry Purges, etc!
Method: In-Person (Littleton, Colorado) and Virtual Coaching Sessions

Nikki Darby
Specialty: Women wanting to bring balance to their hormones before arriving at their next phase/season in life. i.e. before motherhood / before entering peri-menopause.
Services/Offerings: I offer 1-2-1 support and will shortly begin group programmes on the foundations of hormone health. After completing a comprehensive health questionnaire I support you as we make sense of your symptoms and possible root causes. My services complement medical support you may be receiving from your doctor and also alternative therapies.
Method: In-person and online.

Alaura Grace
Specialty: I support and guide all Women and Menstruators interested in a Holistic Approach and Herbal Medicine. I have a special interested in Vulvovaginal Health and Healing.
Services/Offerings: I offer a one-on-one space for you to share and me to listen. This work includes nutrition, mental/emotional support, day-to-day suggestions, herb and supplement education, integrative and complementary care, and an individualized implementation health plan.
Method: I work virtually and in-person in Manitoba, Canada. I speak English and Beginner German and I am currently learning Ukrainian.

Sandra Bendraou

Zdeňka Svobodová
Specialty: Female fertility.
Services/Offerings: Individual 6-month coaching, Online programs.
Method: Online, Czech, Slovak.

Ally Guppy
Specialty: Women Experiencing Period Pain
Services/Offerings: I offer one-on-one sessions, focusing on dietary and lifestyle changes. We will always begin with a consultation before putting together a tailored plan to improve your symptoms and/or help you get a diagnosis with a doctor if applicable.
Method: Virtually. All sessions are held online as video calls.

Gabriella Vengoechea
Specialty: Birth Control Awareness: Educating women about birth control, how to optimize menstrual health + avoid pregnancy naturally.
Services/Offerings: Digital products + self guided programs.
Method: Virtually

Charmaine Kong
Specialty: Helping women recognize and heal their period problems by using their astrological chart as a framework for understanding their body’s natural flow, while combining science-backed holistic nutrition practices to creating sustainable habits for long-term nourishment.
Services/Offerings: I offer a 3 month private coaching program: “Holistic Hormone Balancing” & a self-paced mini-course: “Nourish with the Guidance of the Moon”.
Method: My services are available internationally online in English.

Alisha Kruger
Specialty: Women struggling with hormonal health concerns including PMS, period problems, irregular cycles and fatigue. I also support women to integrate menstrual cycle awareness into their self-care, business, creative expression and spiritual practice in order to experience more energy and vitality.
Services/Offerings: 1:1 Cycle Coaching – Single session and packages, Online courses – Live and self-paced, Womb Hara Massage – Gold Coast, Australia.

Sandra Henein Sharpe
Specialty: I help women ages 25-40 restore hormone balance and optimize fertility by nourishing their bodies and addressing root causes.
Services/Offerings: The Deep Dive – 75 mins Coaching Session, 1:1 Personalized Support 3 months/6 months, The ReBalance Method: 12 week group coaching program.

Mgr. Katarina Miroš Baniari, WHC
Specialty: Helping high-achieving women maintain their fertility.
Services/Offerings: One-on-one sessions (English), online programs/webinars are in Slovak, e-commerce is available in Czechia and Slovakia region.

Sheree Hannah
Specialty: I help high performing females get to the root cause of their period problems, IBS, and/or weight gain, to heal their bodies and create freedom in their lives.
Services/Offerings: I offer one-on-one 6 month packages, a 12 week group coaching program – Reclaim Your Radiance (all about gut health and hormones) and a 4 week gut reset. I also have other additional smaller products like my hormone health bundle and crash course in cycle syncing bundle.

Alexandra Adele King
Specialty: Women in their 20’s & 30’s looking to balance their hormones post birth control who are struggling with endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids or acne
Services/Offerings: One-on-one 12 Week Hormone Balancing Program, Online courses & ebooks for Coming Off Birth Control & Hormone Balancing, Functional Hormone & Gut Health Testing, Balanced Hormones Group Program

Alex Marshall
Specialty: I help active women who are tired of chronic and/or yo-yo dieting, & want to improve their relationship with food.
Services/Offerings: I offer personalized 1:1 coaching with myself or one of my Assistant Coaches, a couple different self-paced digital courses & freebies, and one-off Power Hour consults. I offer mentoring for new nutrition coaches, as well! My website will have the most up-to-date information, offerings, & availability. I do provide free Discovery Calls to answer any of your questions, and make sure we are a good fit!

Lucia Mazzella
Specialty: I help menstruating women to eat for balanced hormone and cook with their cycle
Services/Offerings: My signature programme is Moon Menu Mastermind – Balance your hormones naturally by learning to cook for your cycle. A 90-day journey to eating for better periods, more energy and less PMS by using food as medicine. I also work 1:1 with clients inside of my program Elevated Eating.

Shannon Echlin
Specialty: I work with women of all ages looking to improve their health.
Services/Offerings: I offer one-on-one sessions for abdominal and sacral massage. I was trained by Rosita Arvigo in Belize. I also studied different styles of massage in Mexico. My sessions are very relaxing, therapeutic and I am trained to hold space for trauma release. The abdominal and sacral massage offer a lot of somatic healing. As well as improve reproductive health.
I also work as a women’s health practitioner and herbalist. I can guide you in lifestyle and nutrition to create a healthier body. I am happy to work with women of all ages.
Method: I do in person massage but can also guide you through abdominal self care online. I am available online or in person for nutrition and lifestyle support. I book sessions in Tulum, QR, Mexico I speak both English and Spanish

Jess Marshall
Specialty: I help busy women balance & support their hormones with their daily habits so they can go from overwhelmed, exhausted, & PMS-y to energized, confident, & consistent. I mainly work with women ages 20-45 years old.
Services/Offerings: I offer a range of services including 1:1 coaching, group programs, & a monthly workout subscription with workouts synced to your menstrual cycle. I love to help women build realistic, sustainable, & hormone-healthy habits that they can continue no matter which chapter of life they are in.

Jacqueline Renee
Specialty: I help female entrepreneurs prevent burn out by syncing their business approach to their cycle for more time and energy.
Services/Offerings: 1:1 Mentorship and Self Paced courses around cycle syncing your social media, strategy, food + fitness to your cycle.

April Tesson
Specialty: Teaching movement practices that work with your cycle to support optimal hormone health and ease period pain.
Services/Offerings: I offer on-on-one sessions in my Cape Cod studio. My program, Reformed Health, combines hormone coaching with Pilates Reformer sessions. I also have an online program coming soon! Cramp Camp will consist of 4 modules designed to support hormonal health – Cramp Cure, PMS Prevent, Stress Less + Sleep More for a total of 20 ‘mini’ classes, each 15 minutes or less. Each class will teach you a movement sequence specifically designed to optimize hormonal health, think Yin yoga meets Restorative yoga with a hormonal twist!
Method: I work with people in my Cape Cod studio and also have virtual availability.

Kelly Beaumont
Specialty: Women in the workplace (typically corporate environments).
Services/Offerings: I conduct 1:1 consultations and coaching sessions. I run group training both online and in person on how to work with your cycle, education around things such as perimenopause, menarche etc. I also do corporate training for leaders to support women in the workplace.

Samantha Wittkamper
Specialty: Women with Autoimmunity through their phases of life, specifically Hashimoto’s and/or those with gut health issues/hormonal instability PP, pregnancy, etc.
Services/Offerings: Free consults! Diet and lifestyle suggestions, mind body connections through active listening, one-on-one sessions tailored specific to your condition.

Divyaa Tak
Specialty: Prevention of Chronic Diseases and Menstrual Health.
Services/Offerings: One on One Consultations, remotely.

Stephanie Singh
Specialty: Women 35+ who struggle with heavy, long and painful periods, endometriosis, adenomyosis and fibroids.
Services/Offerings: My program, The Hormone Harmony Method, combines the best of private coaching and group support for maximum touch-points, success and results. In the program, my team and I provide testing (DUTCH and GI Map), private consultations, weekly group coaching calls, and a step-by-step blueprint that dives deep into the root causes of hormone and period problems. By focusing on nutrition, detoxification, gut health and nervous system function; running functional tests and customizing action plans for each client; and holding their hand each and every step of the way, women can regain their energy, health and happiness. All while feeling empowered with knowledge about their body, supporting not only their hormones but their overall wellness.

Yasaman Nazhand
Specialty: I help women over 30 have more energy by balancing their hormones and gut naturally, nourishing their body and holistic health tools.
Services/Offerings: Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Single Session, The Foundation Session, Balanced Flow Method my 1:1 program, Into balance Reset Group program.

Carly Beyar Zolga
Specialty: Women of the reproductive years struggling with PMS, unpredictable cycles, and infertility challenges.
Services/Offerings: Power of Periodization – signature self-paced course that has helped over 1,350 women (and counting) achieve PMS-free, predictable, and painless ovulatory cycles through diet, exercise, and lifestyle adjustments that holistically support the menstrual cycle.

Jenn Foster
Specialty: Women 25-45 experiencing period related concerns (I.e. period pain, irregular/missing periods, PMS, PMDD). Cyclical living.
Services/Offerings: I offer a 1:1 package, as well a group program on cyclical living.
Method: I work 100% virtually.

Erin Lindberg
Specialty: We empower women to live without limitations through holistic pain relief, posture restoration, pelvic rehabilitation and hormone optimization from menstruation to menopause.
Services/Offerings: We offer in person and virtual holistic therapies to support the mind and body. Services include postural restoration therapy, pregnancy & postpartum corrective exercise, myofascial release, subtle energy, microcurrent point stimulation, vagal nerve stimulation, manual lymphatic drainage, hypopressive exercise, pelvic floor rehabilitation, pelvic floor muscle biofeedback, visceral mobilization, maya abdominal massage, infrared sauna and hormone health coaching. (Not all services are available virtually).
Method: Individualized in person and virtual sessions. Stay tuned for future online programs at integrativetherapiesandwellness.com.

Ann Moran
Specialty: Helping women resolve period issues, overcome fertility challenges and have a positive birth experience.
Services/Offerings: Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Nutrition, EFT, Reiki, Hypnobirthing, Reproductive Massage, NLP, Pregnancy Massage, Emotional Healing.
Method: Locally and virtually. English language only.

Ana Victoria González
Specialty: Metabolic condition, Hormones, PCOS that want to treat since the root the disease.
Services/Offerings: Online, Zoom, individual sessions, programs for live without contraceptive.

Brittiny Tanabe
Specialty: I help women who want to get off birth control, track their cycles, and utilize each part of the cycles strengths for optimal health. Teenagers (or parents of teenagers) who want to better understand this process and all it comes with. Mamas to be who want to prepare for a baby. Women who want to lose weight, gain muscle, and achieve the body their dreams. Women who want to feel empowered through their cycles.
Services/Offerings: I offer 1:1 cycle tracking services which will allow women to learn how to advance cycle track and understand each phase and symptom of their individual cycle. I offer 1:1 sessions which is made up of an initial hour long consult and follow up sessions as needed. I also offer coaching packages which provide hormone health, nutrition and fitness programming in one. This also allows more access to me than any other package.
Method: I work with people virtually. I speak only English at the moment.

Mehvish Khan
Specialty: I work to assist teenagers in comprehending menstrual cycles and offering guidance to women dealing with conditions like PCOS, hormone imbalances, and difficulties with conception through holistic guidance and lifestyle based interventions & support to help both groups navigate , manage their health better with understanding and confidence ✨💪.
Services/Offerings: I provide personalized one-on-one consultations and focused awareness sessions to individuals worldwide, catering to both local and international clients. My programs are designed to span over different durations, including 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months, ensuring flexibility and tailored support based on individual needs.

Dina Hassan
Specialty: Coaching women back to womanhood with education on hormones food herbs and empowerment.
Services/Offerings: I wanna be able to do all.
Nicole Jardim is a Certified Women’s Health Coach, writer, speaker, mentor and author of Fix Your Period: 6 Weeks to Banish Bloating, Conquer Cramps, Manage Moodiness, and Ignite Lasting Hormone Balance a life-changing step-by-step natural protocol to ignite lasting hormone balance and improve everything from PMS, period pain, and heavy periods to irregular and missing periods. She has developed education and offerings that empower women and people who menstruate to reclaim their hormone health using a method that combines evidence-based information with simplicity and sass.
Her work has impacted the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world by addressing the root cause of what’s really going on in their bodies and minds rather than treating just their symptoms. She passionately believes that the fundamentals to healing any hormone imbalance lie in an approach that addresses the unique physiology of every woman. This is essential to reclaiming and maintaining optimal health and vitality at any age.
Nicole is the founder of the Institute for Menstrual Health, and through its signature program the Women’s Hormone Health Certification, she teaches other health practitioners and coaches the fundamentals of hormones, menstrual cycles and fertility.
Finally, Nicole is the host of The Period Party, a top-rated podcast on Apple Podcasts, the co-author of The Happy Balance, a recipe book filled with over 80 hormone balancing recipes, and has been called on as a women’s health expert for sites such as The Guardian, Well+Good, mindbodygreen and Healthline.

The Institute for Menstrual Health Practitioner Directory is provided as a courtesy and resource to better serve you in finding a practitioner who has completed training under Nicole Jardim through the Women’s Hormone Health Certification Program (IMH-C) from the Institute for Menstrual Health.
Contact information for each practitioner is being provided so that you may contact the provider to determine whether they are the right provider to assist you. The Institute for Menstrual Health does not make any warranties, express or implied, as to the quality of care that may be provided by any practitioner.